
Blog Posts

Confrontation skills

Effective Strategies for Handling Difficult Conversations Understanding Emotional...

How to Manage Wellness During a Natural Disaster in Katy, Texas

When a natural disaster strikes, it can leave communities in turmoil and individuals...

Simplify Your Journey to Wellness with Social House: A Step-by-Step Guide

Embarking on a journey to wellness can be daunting, but at Social House Wellness Company...

Stay Cool and Collected: How Katy, Texas Residents Can Manage Stress During the Summer

As the summer sun blazes over Katy, Texas, the rising temperatures can often bring with...

Combating Tech Neck and Anxiety: A Multi-Pronged Approach for Busy Professionals

Feeling the constant strain on your neck from hours hunched over a computer? Are you also...

Social House: The best counseling services in KATY TX

In a world where stress and challenges can take a toll on our mental and physical...

How To Know If Therapy Is Right For You – Part 2

  People come to therapy at different times, for different reasons. In Part 1 of this...

3 Easy Ways to Practice Meditation for Reduced Stress For Beginners

              It can seem like meditation can be a...

How to know if therapy is right for you – Part 1

          Maybe you’re feeling down today. You may be wrestling...

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Therapy

  Therapy is a commitment. You invest your time and money into it, so you should...

Anger: What No One Will Tell You – Part 2

        Has anyone ever told you that your anger can be a friend?...

Anger: What No One Will Tell You – Part 1

      Anger is a universal human emotion. We all experience it, but the way...

5 Ways to Be Friends with Yourself

We all know friends are critical to your emotional well-being. But when was the last time...

3 Ways to Set Healthy Boundaries in Any Relationship

Setting boundaries can seem intimidating and uncomfortable. But today, right now, I’d...

How to Tell the Difference Between Healthy and Unhealthy Boundaries

Imagine a baseball field without an outfield. Or a country without a border. Boundaries...

Anxiety Isn’t Your Enemy – What It’s Telling You, and What You Can Do About It

  It may sound strange to many of you to say “Anxiety Isn’t Your Enemy” – especially...

Over the Line! How Personal Boundaries Can Change Your Life

Do you ever feel responsible for the emotions or actions of other people? Maybe it’s your...

EMDR: What You Need to Know & How it Can Help

It is difficult to consider our own experiences with trauma – at least willingly...

50 Shades of Anger

When was the last time you got angry? If it’s been a while it might be hard to remember...

Telehealth: Our Answer to a Changing World

It’s difficult to not be concerned with the state of our world right now. It seems like...

Food, Fitness and Feelings

In the work we do at Social House Wellness Company, relationships come up often. Whether...

Some Relationship Advice

If you’re reading this, you must have already heard that “communication is...

Why can’t we be friends?

Quite often, I have clients that are having a hard time finding friends. This is often the...

A New Way to DIY-Date Yourself!

DIY is all-the-trend now-a-days, but I challenge you to take it to an entirely different...

Enigma of a Stigma

Merriam-Webster defines enigma as “something hard to understand or explain”...

Do only crazy people go to therapy?

This is probably the most common thought about therapy I hear, and unfortunately one of...

To therapy, or not to therapy. That is the question.

Some of the influencers in my professional life are practitioners of Reality Therapy and...

How do Choice Theory & Reality Therapy Work?

“Blog article on choice theory & reality therapy” for Adam Rahman February 1, 2018...

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